Friday, December 4, 2009

Long Day

I have a feeling that today is going to be a super long day. I'm so tired and almost fell asleep in last period. I have a Spanish test today that I hope I do a good job on. I really don't want to take the final in there so if I get a good grade then I won't have to. After school I'm going to Colins house then we are going to the basketball game. This weekend is probably going to be busy too. I have a lot of projects to finish up before finals get here and a speech to study. Once I get all my finals done I will be so happy and ready for Christmas!! Wow I just looked at the clock and I swear its not moving. Well I'm going to study for Spanish. Later everyone.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Transfer Propaganda

This advertisement is for milk. The celebrity in this ad is Danica Patrick. She is a Indy car driver. This ad is an example of transfer propaganda. Companies use these ad so that people will buy there product so they can be more like the celebrity. Many shoe companies use athletes to promote their shoes.
Photo From:

Bandwagon Propaganda

This advertisment is an example of bandwagon propaganda. It is saying that if you don't sign to save the food then you are not being patriotic. This ad persuade people because they want to be patriotic. This ad was used in war times to tell people to give more food.

Photo From:

Emotional Words Propaganda

This advertisements is a example of emotional words. It is an ad that was used back in war times to get money for the war. I think its emotional because it makes people feel bad that they don't buy bonds to help support the war and the troops. I know I would feel bad if I saw this ad back then.

Photo from: arcweb.sos.state

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I just got done writing my retirement speech. I did mine about Lindsey and she did hers about me. This speech seemed a lot easier to write then the first one did. I think giving this speech will be easier than last time.

It is raining outside. Sometimes I like the rain if it works to my advantage. Like for example I have a soccer game today and really don't feel like playing. So if it rains enough maybe it will get cancelled. If not we will have to play in the mud and the ball will be all wet and slippery. I really don't like playing in conditions like that.

Well class is almost over, so I'm going to get off now. Bye

Thursday, September 17, 2009

One Time!

I love this song!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Chocolate is my second favorite food in the world. I personally think it is the best thing that people ever made, besides potato soup of course. I love any type of chocolate. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, chocolate milk, if its chocolate I will probably like it. It can always make me feel better no matter what.
Picture From: Boyex